Change the Java (JVM) used by tomcat.

Enterprise systems will have different versions of Java installed in it. A system administrator may have to set up Tomcat to use a particular one out of it. By default Tomcat uses the OS default; ie. the one installed into OS path. So how can we make it run with another version of Java.

This is easily achieved using the below commands(Open a terminal and run the below commands, don’t close it.):

export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-java>


export JRE_HOME=<path-to-java>

Run the start-up script from the same terminal and you will see from the logs that Tomcat picked up the Java from the path you set.


JRE_HOME is set to JAVA_HOME if not set. So setting any of these variables suffice.

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A strong believer of: 1. Knowledge is power 2. Progress comes from proper application of knowledge 3. Reverent attains wisdom 4. For one's own salvation, and for the welfare of the world

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